How to Avoid Rosacea Flare-Ups This Winter

Your rosacea is affected by so many factors: the food you eat, the time of year, and even your mood. Some of these are easier to control than others; but did you know that there are specific habits you can adopt that will help you control flare-ups now, during the winter?

No matter what the time of year, Dr. Alexis Stephens works with you to manage your rosacea consistently and compassionately. Everyone at Parkland Dermatology is invested in providing you with customized treatment and sees you as an individual whose rosacea challenges are unique.

What is rosacea?

Rosacea is a chronic skin condition that’s more complex than just being bothered by red skin intermittently. Its multiple and varied symptoms can really bring you down:

In addition, rosacea can cause your nose to become enlarged and even irritate your eyes. The maddening thing about this skin condition is that you’ll get it under control for a while, but then one or all of these symptoms will rear their heads again when you least expect it.

That’s why it’s important to partner with a dermatologist you trust. Dr. Stephens and her team are dedicated to treating your rosacea over the long-term, through clear times and flare-ups. She’s up-to-date on the most advanced, evidence-based strategies for combating this frustrating condition. 

Why does the winter make my rosacea act up?

Since rosacea reacts to air and light conditions, it’s somewhat unsurprising that winter comes with its own set of rosacea-related challenges:

A combination of unforgiving elements and a surplus of obligatory social events (where unusual party cuisine and drinks galore are served), on top of your routine responsibilities, can truly overwhelm your skin. And we actually do see cold temps in Florida during the winter months!

Taming wintry rosacea triggers

In addition to being seen regularly by Dr. Stephens for your routine rosacea monitoring and care, here are a few easy things you can do to put out flare-up fire:

Don’t skip sunscreen

Even in winter, the sun is a major rosacea aggravator. Protect your skin adequately against its rays!

Cool it with your thermostat 

 Blasting the heat will shock your skin and may put you at risk for a flare-up. 

Avoid coffee, tea and toddies 

Hot drinks actually affect your body temperature and therefore, your rosacea.

Bundle up your face

Since wind exacerbates rosacea, invest in some heavy scarves and even a wool blend face mask-hat if you’re going to be outside for a long period of time.

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate

As a rosacea sufferer, your skin is more sensitive than that of most people. Treat it kindly with gentle and natural skin products free from harsh ingredients, and invest in humidifiers for your main living areas.

If you practice these habits religiously, you’ll significantly reduce your chance of experiencing flare-ups. Knowing there are things you can do to make a real impact on your rosacea will feel empowering.

Get treatment for your rosacea if you haven’t already

If Dr. Stephens has already made a difference in helping you control your rosacea, keep coming to see us! If you’ve been on your own trying to figure out how to treat it, call us or book an appointment online for a consultation. It’s not too late to start on your journey to clearer skin. 


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